Paige Joanna


Easter weekend denim dress

  • Paige
  • April 4, 2015

As mentioned already in my Denim on Denim blog post, I am loving wearing Denim pieces this season. As it is Easter weekend and days are slowly becoming warmer I finally braved bare legs! Fair to say it was a bit of a shock to style an outfit and not put on my comforting pair of grey or black tights. Spring styling is my favourite because I love light layering and this outfit does just that.

Retro 70's styling

fur gilet, retro styling, red hair

denim dress, crochet cardigan

denim dress crochet cardie

denim dress

denim dress, george at asda, orange sandals

denim dress printed scarf

denim dress and red hair

denim dress

Pauls boutique navy

denim dress and orange sandals

It isn’t always expensive to update your wardrobe when new trends come about, especially with George at Asda. I got this denim dress, scarf and shoes from George and they are simple items I can style in different ways. I like to be able to mix items I already own and try create on trend outfits doing so. For this season a retro printed scarf worn with denim is an easy way of getting that 70’s look without having to dare the flares! I chose these orange sandals to add a pop of colour to the outfit matching the shades in the scarf print. For the unpredictable weather layering a cardie and fur gilet works for keeping warm and adding some texture and details. 

Denim Dress – George at Asda

Scarf & Shoes – Both George at Asda

Cardie – Chicwish

Fur Gilet – Zara

Bag – Pauls Boutique, Asos

I spent yesterday making carrot cup cakes with cream cheese frosting to take with me when I visit my family. They are delicious but I keep eating them and fair to say this Easter weekend is going to be full of naughty treats!

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