Paige Joanna


Celebrate the beauty of upcycling with DIY and crafting projects to spark your imagination all year round. From handmade wedding decor, festival fashion and upcycling. There’s a craft project for everyone no matter what your skill level to make life that little more beautiful. For crafts that are brimming with colour search #PaigeJoannaDIY & stay tuned for monthly content within the Thrift Made Fun Community.


Sketchbook Work | My personal favourites

Hello again, today is a new style of post here but one I have wanted to share for a while! I brought a couple of small A5 sketch books from Paperchase a while ago now and I have gradually been filling them with my doodles and sketches! As recently I have been getting back into […]

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Why it’s OKAY to not work in the field you studied at University.

This post was inspired by a few conversations I have been having with people recently on the past and my current career choice. As a few of you may know (if you have been following my blog for a few years now) I took Illustration at University and have a degree in this subject. I […]

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How to get your creative mojo back.

Since leaving university and joining the ‘adult world’ I have found myself loosing my motivation to be creative more and more. I took Illustration at University and used to love documenting my work here on my blog and recently I haven’t had the time or the motivation for it. We all go through times where […]

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Making Dream Catchers | Sunday Crafting

 I have been talking so much over recent months about making things and getting our crafting mojo back. We decided to help each other out and dedicate a Sunday each month (or as often as we can) to making things just for the fun of it! We want to rekindle our love for being creative […]

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Everything you need to start scrap booking!

Back again with another scrap booking post! I am loving putting these together and being creative again. As mentioned in my first scrapbook post last week, I wanted to create a free downloadable print off for you to use on your own scrap books. I created a vintage inspired one great for starting out! As […]

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SCRAP BOOKING | The start of a new hobby.

I’m finally posting this on my blog after having taken these photos before I even moved to London! I don’t know why I have left it so long but never mind i’m finally uploading them. I have been wanting to start scrap booking for ages since looking up ideas on my Pinterest. When I was […]

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