Last week was National Bikini Day, which in itself seems a bit random. What I liked about it however is how all women (and men) of all shapes and sizes posted about it. Thanks to Simply Beach for sending me the ultimate Bikini day box filled with treats to make me feel good. We all need to love the bodies we have, as we only get one but with Bikini’s and swimwear it isn’t always plain sailing.

Body Confidence in Swimwear

It’s so easy to see others bikini posts and feel like you don’t look good in your own body. At least, that is how I feel most days I see people’s holiday and beach snaps. I have touched upon body confidence on my blog before and i’m not shy talking about it on Social Media. We put so many pressures on ourselves to be this ideal of health and beauty with a flatboard stomach and tanned skin. I refuse to adhere to this standard but at the same time I do have my own body demons I worry about.
Crohn’s Disease is my burdon, as it effects me physically and mentally with my body. So when I was contacted by Simply Beach about National Bikini Day, I was so close to refusing to work on anything due to wearing a bikini online! After looking at their extensive list of swimwear from amazing brands and designers I knew I wanted to get something. Of all the amazing bikinis on the site, I chose this beautiful coral coloured bikini set. As well as the bikini the box of goodies included a beautiful kaftan which I can’t wait to wear in Ibiza.
On bad days when you may not feel confident to wear a bikini just remember you’re not alone. Every women has stretch marks, curves and issues they may not like. We need to embrace those elements of our bodies and support one another. This summer I may not be 100% confident but i’m going to Ibiza soon and i’ll be dancing around in a bikini regardless. You only have one body so wear what you want!