Paige Joanna


Ultimate Debenhams Christmas Wishlist

  • Paige
  • November 8, 2016

Debenhams have sent me a rather festive and fun challenge of putting together a Christmas Wishlist with the chance to win it! This got me so excited because I feel now is the perfect time to get thinking about gifts. Thinking of present ideas and a wishlists are more fun when putting them together for several people other than just myself. Here are my favourite things right now that i’d love for myself, Chris and my baby nephews.

Wishlist for myself


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My dream Christmas this year is is to sip on home made caramel coffee, in some snuggly pyjamas, slippers and play games with my boyfriend. We are spending this year just the two of us and as my family are focusing on my baby nephews it means my christmas will be very different. All I want is to relax and feel happy in my own London apartment, with the luxury of a coffee machine! My wish list is a concoction of the perfect snuggly winter day, with the luxury of new perfume and makeup.

Wishlist for my Boyfriend


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Chris isn’t a typical guy into football, fashion or novelties but what he does love his games and cooking! Combining entertainment of watching him play games and him cooking a delicious meal is all I need in life. So although these are great present ideas for him, I also benefit (sneaky I know).

After speaking to Chris to find out his wishlist, this is what he said: “I need a good pair of boots for winter that will last, and this style means I can also wear them to work. The suit is also a great essential as I don’t have a good one that fits me properly after loosing weight. The bag is for my new equipment at work, as I now carry a SLR Camera so need something more sturdy for that. The other items are just a mixture of things I usually get like Pyjamas and alcohol! Lastly the pasta roller as Paige and I learnt how to make it recently at Jamie Oliver’s Cookery School, so would be great to have my own.”

The baby Nephews


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My little baby nephews are so cute, one is two in Jan and the other 1 in Feb. Christmas is still a new thing for them and very exciting for my entire family being able to spoil them rotten. I won’t be with my family this year on Christmas until Boxing Day so I can’t wait to spoil my Nephews when I do see them. With little ones in the family it makes it so much more exciting seeing their little happy faces. Both of them LOVE in the Night Garden so I will definitely be getting them some things to do with that, as well as Dory, Jenson’s (elder nephew) favourite at the moment.

If you haven’t seen enough Christmassy things from the wishlist then here are some lovely wrapping ideas! The perfect way to give a gift is with that little extra personal touch. Here are a few of my favourite ideas from Pinterest. Every year I always put so much effort into my wrapping and love bright, quirky and fun designs, especially with the pompoms.


Paige Joanna Present Wrap IDeas

Thanks for reading! I hope you have a great lead up to Christmas and these present ideas gave you some inspiration. Thanks to Debenhams for hosting this lovely competition, fingers crossed!
