Paige Joanna


Xmas Wrapped Up

  • Paige
  • December 5, 2014

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Hello all, Christmas is comingggg! I feel like it has come around so fast and i’m super excited. I haven’t got a lot of money this year for lots of presents so I have had to be a little more creative. This year I have been making loads of my friends presents, making it a bit more personal and in my eyes more thoughtful. Some of the things I have been making take over 2 weeks to do, like knitting, pom pom making and paper crafts! It is not only good fun to get back into making again but unique and quirky. 

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One of my favourite brands is Cath Kidston, all my friends and family are taken by the constant fun nature of the brand. They are running a Christmas campaign called #XMASWRAPPEDUP which is all about their amazing collection of packaging and wrapping. Below is a video which explains all about it as well as being the cutest most festive thing i have seen for this time of year. I also put together a wish list of the things i’d love to make my Christmas complete. Shop all the items here.

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1. Large present house box £6, 2. Merry Christmas mug £5, 3. Medium present house box £5, 4. Merry Christmas apron £20, 5. Start ribbon £1.50, 6. Christmas Decorations book £11, 7. Christmas Organiser £13.50, 8. Christmas stocking £9, 9. Sheepskin slippers £36, 10. Small present house box £4, 11. Hot water bottle £28.

All can be shopped on the website,

Watch the video for a look at the XMASRAPPEDUP styles.

My plan is to buy a couple of the cardboard Cath Kidston houses to package my hand made presents, for the perfect finishing touch. Not only that but they would make great ‘stockings’ if you wanted to gift someone lots of little wrapped presents inside. I love how it makes me feel all cheery and excited to see my friends and families faces when they open up what I got them! It just makes it extra special when the details are as fun and festive as the Cath Kidston stuff. Below are some of the products I’ll be giving as presents this year. Happy shopping guys, hope you liked this blog post! Let me know your favourite items in the comments.

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