Paige Joanna


London Fashion Week Sunday 14th 2014

  • Paige
  • September 19, 2014

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I spent a couple of days at London fashion week this season and it was a great experience. I had never been before, only to the fashion weekend so I was excited to see what it was like! Below I have included my vlog video from the day so you can see parts of what i got up too. 
What I loved most was seeing everyones efforts and styling for the day and how people represent themselves. I love that everyones personal style really flourishes and it was great to capture some great outfits! 

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Adora Mehitabel 

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Leigh Travers from Fox & Feather

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Girls from Anna Seven.

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The lovely Joe Kent, Unlimited by JK

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My outfit took a bit of planning as I was being so hard on myself for about a week before! I actually prefer outfits when they are a bit more thrown together. I liked how it looked in the end though as I treated myself to some new shoes and a new top, both from Topshop. What made the outfit for me though was my new woolen 60’s style skirt in pale blue, from Missguided. I’m really love this retro trend that seems to be making an appearance all over the high street this season! And if you know me and my blog, you will know I don’t mind wearing pastels all year round! 

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Top – Topshop

Shoes – Topshop

Skirt – Missguided

Necklace – Miss Selfridge 

Lace Cardie – Chicwish

Bag – vintage

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I think London is such a beautiful city, and hanging around with Joe (Jk Unlimited) is great because he knows his way around! It’s nice to actually walk to destinations rather than always getting the tube! We went to St Pancras hotel to see the Toga SS15 collection which was a great venue and preview. photographed below are my favourite parts to the collection! 

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So lastly, I bumped into so many lovely people during the day and got to spend some time with my favourites! Below pictured with Arabella, who I have known since my early blogging and lookbook days, it was so nice to see her again! And also Leanne who is one of my favourite youtubers!! The girls are so open and kind and we always have a good giggle. 

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